What is Attack On Tikuihe>

Attack on tikuihe is a story about two Friskets (round shape paople) Marty and Billy that want to become heros so they go on a quest to reunite the Friskets and the Pixlets (Square shape people). The home of the young heros is the island of Tikuihe. This island is divided in half by a huge mountain range, Mount Tanaya, separating the Friskets from the Pixlets. Marty and Billy hope to bring both sides together as one, but have a little trouble along the way and get stranded on Izanniea, the island of the green sludge and home of Ike the Iklet( Rain drop shape person). The kids also make a new friend Tracy the Trixlet (Triangle shape people). As they adventure they find themselves in a whole lot more trouble. The boys discover three portal to "the human world" and accidently turn it on. Worst turned into way worst and humans invade the Three islands and the boys must find way to defeat the humans and save the islands. This is a awesome book where "We" are the bad guys! Enjoy :)

Do you Want more well keep in touch and read the new chapters posted by the authors: Danny Likar and Hannah Likar :) (cousins)


About Me

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Danny Is going into tenth grade at Garfield Heights High School. He is writing a book called ,Attack On Tikuihe, with his cousin Hannah, His most favorite thing to do is write. Danny also loves to act and is involved in GHHS's plays. Enjoy Attack On Tikuihe's Website :)

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Check this Out!!

Hey go and check out the Authors other blog...
www.sendapenny1cent.blogspot.com... that's Hannah's blog. So check it out and plaese leave both websites comments. We want to hear from you!!